



* 毀滅有兩種形式,一種是自我毀滅,另一種是堂堂毀滅。(How wonderful it would be if there were two kinds of destruction, self-destruction and glorious destruction.)

* 成功的投資在本質上是內在的,它是一種正確的心態,而不是表面上的技巧。(Successful investing is essentially an inner game, it's a state of mind, not a matter of superficial technique.)

* 當你看見好的時候,機會可能已經過去了;當你看見不好的時候,機會可能又還沒來。所以,你看見什麼都不好的時候,就是你要找到自己真正想要的的時候。(When you see good, the opportunity may have passed; when you see bad, the opportunity may not yet be here. So, when you see neither good nor bad, it's time for you to find what you really want.)

* 只有透過學習,我們才會明白世界是脆弱的,而我們才是關鍵的因素,才是能使這個世界更美好必須存有品格的所在。也就是說要儘量協助改變目前殘暴不道的社會制度。最重要的是以富有慈愛心的個人形式發展個人才幹。(By learning, we realize that the world is fragile and we, as individuals, hold the key to making it a better place with good character. It is important to do everything we can to assist in changing the current cruel and inhumane social systems. Most importantly, we must develop our talents as loving individuals.)

* 如果你能了解這個道理(任何東西皆是一種信念,甚至能將信念視為比事實更重要),那就不必太過擔心市場交易中漲跌所帶來的情緒困擾。這個方法有一個更一般的名字叫著修養。在我們所處的領域裡,修養的確很重要。(If you understand this principle (anything is a belief, even if you believe it more than you believe facts), then you won't worry too much about emotional distress in the market. This method has a more general name called cultivation. Cultivation is very important in our field.)

* 當你感到恐懼時,就是該採取行動的時候了。(When you feel afraid, it's time to take action.)

* 我們的目標不是預測市場,而是影響市場。我們不預測未來,我們只是根據最新的信息做出決策。(Our goal is not to predict the market, but to influence it. We don't predict the future, we make decisions based on the latest information.)
