




Scene 1: Grandmother's House

(Grandmother is sitting by the fire, knitting a sweater. Grandmother notices that her favorite red-hooded sweater is missing. She calls out to her granddaughter, "Where is my sweater, dear?")

Grandmother: "I need it for my trip to the market today."

Scene 2: The Forest

(Little Red Riding Hood arrives at the forest and sees a big, gray wolf. She is frightened and tries to run away.)

Little Red Riding Hood: "Oh no! It's that big wolf from Grandmother's story!"

Scene 3: The Journey Back

(Little Red Riding Hood thinks quickly and decides to tell the wolf that she has brought something for him to eat. She leaves her basket of food behind her and walks back to the grandmother's house with a smile on her face.)

Little Red Riding Hood: "Grandmother, I brought you something to eat!"

Scene 4: The Lesson

(Grandmother thanks Little Red Riding Hood and explains to her that she should always be careful and not let strangers into her house. Little Red Riding Hood learns a valuable lesson from this experience.)

Story Ending: Little Red Riding Hood learns from her mistake and grows up to be a wise and responsible girl.
