


故事標題: The Blind Leaders

Once upon a time, there was a group of blind men and their guide. They were walking through a forest, lost and looking for their way out. Each blind man had a cane in his hand, which he used to feel his way through the obstacles around him.

One day, the group of blind men and their guide came across a group of young trees that had been cut down. They were standing around, wondering what they were supposed to do with them. Suddenly, one of the blind men suggested that they plant them again.

"Why not?" said the guide. "They will grow into beautiful trees in the future."

So they planted the trees and waited for them to grow. But they soon realized that planting trees was not as easy as it seemed. They had to water them, protect them from predators, and make sure they got enough sunshine and nutrients.

The blind men didn't know how to do any of these things, so they decided to hire a professional gardener to help them. The gardener taught them how to care for the trees and they learned quickly.

As the years went by, the blind men's trees grew into beautiful forests and they became renowned for their hard work and dedication. They even started teaching other blind people how to plant and care for trees in their communities.

The moral of this story is that blindness doesn't mean you can't do something, as long as you have a good guide. And sometimes, having someone guide you is even better than relying on your own instincts. If you want to achieve something in life, it's always best to start with a plan and have someone help you along the way.