



1. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. (人生就像一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道你會吃到什麼。)

2. Smile, it becomes a habit. (微笑,變得習慣化。)

3. Joy is not without grief, it is a pleasure weeping in the midst of pain. (快樂並不在於痛苦,歡樂與否都是痛苦,快樂在於如何面對痛苦。)

4. You may delay, but time will not. (你可以拖延時間,但是時間不會。)

5. A good friend is like a mirror, she/he reflects your light and joy. (好朋友就像一面鏡子,他/她反射出你的光和歡樂。)

6. Hope is like a spark, it lights up our world. (希望就像火花,它點亮了我們的世界。)

7. The best way to predict the future is to create it. (預測未來的最好方法就是去創造它。)

8. Life is like a beautiful flower, it must be nurtured and cared for. (生活就像一朵美麗的花,它需要被呵護和照顧。)

9. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to act in spite of it. (勇氣不是沒有恐懼,而是在恐懼中採取行動的能力。)

10. Love is like a rainbow, it appears after the rain of life has passed. (愛就像彩虹,它出現在經過生活風雨洗禮之後。)