



1. "Love is like a butterfly which seems to live only for your sake." - Lord Byron

2. "Love is like a seed that must fall into the ground and die if it is to give rise to something beautiful." - John Green

3. "True love is about being patient, kind, and understanding with someone who makes you feel safe and happy." - Unknown

4. "The best way to love someone is to be yourself and let them see the real you." - Unknown

5. "Love is like a river that flows back to the sea, never stopping, never changing, always moving forward." - Unknown

6. "Love is not about being loved by someone, but about loving someone so much that you are willing to give everything you have for their happiness." - Paulo Coelho

7. "Love is a beautiful feeling, but it requires hard work and commitment." - Unknown

8. "Love is not just a feeling, it's a choice every day to be kind, understanding, and supportive." - Emily Giffin
