



* 朋友一生一起走,那些日子不再有。

Friends, who share the same journey and keep memories that will never fade.

* 真正的朋友即使遠在千里之外,也像是近在咫尺。

True friends are like beacons lit from afar, even when separated by a distance of thousands of miles.

* 朋友就像寶石,稀少又珍貴。

Friends are like gems, rare and precious.

* 友誼就像太陽,永遠照耀在我們的心中。

Friendship is like the sun, always shining in our hearts.

* 朋友是一盞明燈,照亮我們的人生道路。

A friend is a guiding light, illuminating our path in life.

* 真正的朋友是在你需要時,願意伸出援手的人。

A true friend is someone who is willing to offer a helping hand when you need it the most.

* 友誼是一束溫暖的陽光,是一杯沁人心脾的香茶。

Friendship is a warm ray of sunshine, a cup of delightfully scented tea that warms your heart.
