



1. "It is not the strongest or most intelligent species that survive, but the most adaptable to change."

* 生存下來的不是最強壯或最聰明,而是最能適應變化的物種。

2. "The survival of the fittest is not only a law of nature, but also a law of history."

* 適者生存不僅是一個自然法則,也是一個歷史法則。

3. "Natural selection is the main cause of evolution."

* 自然選擇是進化的主要原因。

4. "We shape our tools and then our tools shape us."


5. "It is not the intellect that makes us human, but the spirit."


6. "The survival of the fittest is a law of life, and it is a law that applies not only to individuals but to whole communities and even to nations."

