

check out造句

以下是一些使用"check out"造句的例子:

"Can I check out, please?"(我可以結賬嗎?)

"I'll need to check out after I finish shopping."(我購物結束後需要付款。)

"We need to check out of the hotel by noon."(我們需要在中午之前退房。)

"You should check out that new book, it's really interesting."(你應該看看那本新書,非常有趣。)

"I'm checking out the restaurant with Tim."(我要和提姆去看看飯店。)

"I'll meet you at the checkout counter when you're done shopping."(你購物完後我會在收銀台等你。)

"Don't forget to check the receipt you receive at the checkout."(不要忘記檢查你在結賬時收到的收據。)

"The police had to check out the call."(警方不得不追查那通電話。)

"Maybe we ought to go down to the library and check it out."(或許我們應該去趟圖書館,看看那裡有什麼。)

這些句子展示了"check out"在不同情境下的用法,包括結賬、離開、檢查或瀏覽某物等含義。