

gordon ramsay名言

Gordon Ramsay的名言有:

* "Life's like a plate of f**king chips, you take a bite, you're sick to your mouth, your mouth is on fire, you taste the rest and you want more."(生活就像一盤大坨的炸薯條,你吃了一口,感到嘴裡和喉嚨都在燃燒,你嘗了嘗其他部分,就想要更多。)

* "The kitchen is a war zone. It's relentless. It's blood, sweat and tears."(廚房就像戰區一樣,毫無喘息之機,廚房裡充滿了血、汗和淚水。)

* "If you're not willing to learn, you're not worth teaching."(如果你不願意學習,那就沒有資格讓我教你。)

* "If you don't want it done, do it yourself."(如果你不想讓別人做某件事,那就自己動手。)
