

have access to造句

"have access to"這個短語的意思是有機會使用或接觸到某物或某事。以下是一些使用這個短語的句子:

Students must have access to a good library for research and learning。

She needs to have access to our files to complete her work。

Millions of people cannot read these words because they don't have access to a computer。

We must ensure that all patients have access to high-quality healthcare。

If you have access to a computer and can read this essay, you're already doing pretty well compared to half of the world。

Only 40% of 5-year-olds have access to preschool education。

Students at the Belfast campus have access to excellent sports facilities。

In South Asia, only 37% of children have access to even a basic toilet。

It's possible, but you'd have to have access to some serious chemistry equipment。