



He hid the letter in a drawer.(他把信藏在抽屜里。)

He hid behind a false identity.(他隱姓埋名。)

No amount of make-up could hide her age.(再多的化妝品也遮掩不住她的年齡。)

I have never tried to hide the truth about my past.(我從未設法隱瞞我的過去。)

Hearing someone come in, he hid himself behind the curtain.(聽見有人進來了,他一閃身藏在了窗簾的後面。)

Hide it where no one else can find it.(把它藏在沒有人找得到的地方。)

She turned away to hide her blushes.(她轉過身去,不讓人看見她兩頰緋紅。)

She manufactured a false story to hide the facts.(她編造謊言以掩蓋事實。)

The government has been juggling with the figures to hide the latest rise in unemployment.(政府為隱瞞最近失業率上升而一再更改數字。)

If an evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide.(如果沒辦法逃離,找個地方藏起來。)