


"Be quiet, I've got something to say." 請安靜,我有話要說。

"She used to be so quiet, but now she's really coming out of her shell and chatting to everyone." 她一向沉默寡言,但現在可真活了,跟誰都能談得來。

"He signed me to be quiet." 他示意要我安靜。

"Could you keep the kids quiet while I'm on the phone?" 我在打電話;你讓孩子們安靜點好嗎?。

"He went very quiet (= did not say much) so I knew he was upset." 他沉默不語了,所以我知道他很煩惱。

"『Be quiet,』 said the teacher." 「安靜點!」老師說道。

"She crept downstairs (as) quiet as a mouse ." 她躡手躡腳,悄聲下了樓。

"A quiet murmur passed through the classroom..." 一陣悄悄的低語聲傳遍了整個教室。

"The street was unnaturally quiet." 街上安靜得有些異常。

"You just quiet down, my gosling." 你安靜下來,我的小鵝。