



Her new series is a smash hit.她的新系列節目極為成功,引起轟動。

A series of rapid tapping sounds.一系列急速的輕拍聲。

Life is a series of problems.生活就是一系列的難題。

Come up against a series of problems.碰到一系列的問題。

The business cycle is a series of peaks and troughs.商業周期是一系列的高峰期和低谷期。

The impresario will present an expanded series of concerts next season.下個季節將舉辦一次大型的系列音樂會。

We have logged up a remarkable series of gains in technical innovation.我們已在技術革新領域得到一系列可觀的成就。

Data processing is the series of operations that are carried out on data.數據處理是按照數據而進行的一系列運算。

It overcomes a series of problems in the transmission of traditional strainometers and collector rings.它克服了傳統感應式和集流環傳輸的一系列問題。