

such that造句

「Such that」是一個連線詞,用來連線兩個相關的句子,表示「使得」的意思。例如:

She works hard,such that she can afford a nice house.(她工作努力,使得她能買得起一幢漂亮的房子。)

He studies diligently,such that he can pass the exam.(他學習勤奮,使得他能通過考試。)

This book is such that we all like to read it.(這本書是這樣的,以至於我們都喜歡讀它。)

Such is the elegance of this typeface that it is still a favourite of designers.(這種字型的優雅程度如此之高,以至於它仍然是設計師的首選。)

在句子中,「such that」通常用於表示某個條件或結果,強調某個特定情況或程度。