

usain bolt名言

Usain Bolt的名言包括:

* “Run like no one is behind you, look like everyone is in front of you” (“跑的時候要以為只有你在後面,看上去大家都擋在你前面。”)

* “People ask you what is fast and you say ‘well you can run 100 in two seconds, you can run 200 in 2 minutes. But everyone decides how fast they want to go not me.’” (“人們問你什麼是跑得快,你說‘你可以在兩秒內跑完100米,你可以在兩分鐘內跑完200米。但是每個人決定他們想跑多快,而不是我。’”)

* “The only way to be the best is to train like you are the worst.” (“成為最好的唯一途徑就是訓練得像最差一樣。”)

此外,他還有一句名言是“I am fast, but I am also smart.”(“我很快,但我也很聰明。”)。以上這些名言都體現了Bolt的自信和決心。