



「He uttered a few commonplaces about peace.」(他泛泛地談了幾句關於和平的話。)

「Charlotte stared at her in utter amazement.」(夏洛特盯著她看,驚呆了。)

「What he is doing is utter stupidity!」(他正做的是愚蠢的事。)

「To say or utter with a yowl.」(她嚇唬孩子說要狠狠打他們一頓。)

「A feeling of utter helplessness washed over him.」(一種徹底無助的感覺湧上他的心頭。)

「This threw the reactionary police into utter panic.」(這使反動警察極為驚恐。)

「His career is a story of utter disaster.」(他事業上一事無成。)

「I was at an utter loss what to do.」(我不知道該怎樣做才好。)

「Throughout the entire altercation, not one sensible word was uttered.」(爭了半天,沒有一句話是切合實際的。)

「She could see the utter futility of trying to protest.」(她明白抗議是無用的。)

「He uttered a stream of profanities.」(他說出了一連串下流話。)