



1. 只有站在時代的前沿,才能真正擁有未來的機會。

Only by being at the forefront of the times can you truly have the opportunity to embrace the future.

2. 不要放棄夢想,但也不做做夢。

Don't give up on your dreams, but don't just dream about them.

3. 只有經歷過無數的失敗,才能懂得成功的來之不易。

Only through countless failures can one appreciate the hard-won success.

4. 人生就像騎腳踏車,要保持平衡,必須保持前進。

Life is like riding a bicycle, to maintain balance, you must keep moving forward.

5. 只有通過堅持不懈的努力,你才能擁有你想要的生活。

Only through unremitting hard work can you have the life you want.