



1. "Respect is the key to true friendship."(尊重是真正友誼的關鍵。)

2. "The greatest gift you can give someone is your respect."(你能給予別人最珍貴的禮物就是你的尊重。

3. "Show me someone who respects others, and I'll show you someone worth respecting."(給我展示一個尊重他人的人,我將展示一個值得尊重的人。)

4. "Respect is the basis of all great relationships."(尊重是所有偉大關係的基礎。)

5. "The greatest reward for respect is respect in return."(尊重的回報是得到相應的尊重。)

6. "To honor a person is to respect their choices, opinions, and efforts."(尊敬一個人就是尊重他們的選擇、意見和努力。)

7. "Respect for others' opinions doesn't mean you have to agree with them, but it does mean you must treat them with dignity and respect."(尊重他人的意見並不意味著你必須同意它們,而是意味著你必須以尊嚴和尊重的方式對待他們。)