



Title: The Little Engine That Could

Once upon a time, there was a little engine named "Tommy". He was the smallest engine on the track and he often felt like he couldn't do anything big. But one day, he saw a trainload of toys that had to be delivered to a faraway city. Tommy knew he couldn't move that heavy load by himself, but he also knew that he could never give up.

He thought and thought, and finally came up with an idea. He would pull himself together and ask for help from the other engines. So he shouted out loud, "I can do it! I can pull this load!" But the other engines just laughed at him.

Tommy was very sad, but he didn't give up. He decided to try harder and think of a better plan. He went to the water tank and got a drink. Then he brought some water to his wheels and tried again. He really tried hard, but still couldn't pull the load alone.

Just then, a little mouse named "Fanny" came along. She looked at Tommy and thought for a moment. She then said, "Tommy, I'm not sure if I can help you, but maybe we can try something different." So she helped Tommy think of a new plan and together they managed to pull the load to the city.

The other engines were so surprised when they saw Tommy and Fanny arrive at the city with all the toys. They realized that they had been wrong about Tommy and that he really could do it. From then on, they all treated Tommy with more respect and kindness.
