


好的,這是一個簡單的英文品德小故事,名為"The Lost Necklace":

Once upon a time, there was a wealthy merchant who had a beautiful diamond necklace that he loved very much. One day, he accidentally lost it and became very sad. He decided to offer a reward to anyone who could help him find it.

A young girl named Lily heard about the reward and decided to try her luck. She searched for days and finally found the necklace in a hidden corner of the merchant's house. When she returned it to him, he was so grateful that he gave her an even bigger reward than he had originally promised.

Lily's act of kindness and honesty impressed everyone who knew her. She taught them that it was more important to be kind and honest than to have material possessions. From then on, everyone tried to follow her example and be kind and honest in their own way.
