



1. Time is the most valuable thing, value and use it properly.(時間是最寶貴的財富,要正當使用。)

2. Never let time slip away.(切勿讓時間悄悄溜走。)

3. Life is like a drop of water, if wasted, it will disappear forever. Cherish every moment, never to miss it.(生命就像一滴水,浪費了就會永遠消失,要珍惜每一刻,不要錯過。)

4. Cherish every sweet moment, because time flies.(珍惜每一刻的甜蜜,因為時光如梭。)

5. To cherish the present moment, for a lifetime of memories.(珍惜現在的一分一秒,就是一生的回憶。)

6. Remember that time flies, let us cherish every moment.(要記住時光飛逝,讓我們珍惜每一刻。)

7. Life is like a beautiful jade, cherish it, it will shine forever.(生命就像一塊美玉,珍惜它,它就會永遠發光。)

8. Time is like a flowing river, cherish every drop.(時間就像一條流動的河流,珍惜每一滴。)

9. Cherish what you have, for what you have is enough.(珍惜你所擁有的,因為擁有的已經足夠。)

10. Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you are going to get, but we should cherish each sweet moment.(生命就像一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道會得到什麼,但我們要珍惜每一個甜蜜的時刻。)