




1. 人們可以為一個陌路者放下尊嚴,但是對於他們自已的兒子、孫子卻看得比世上的一切都重。

2. 不要只因一次失敗,就放棄你原來決心想達到的目的。

3. 目眩時更要旋轉,自己痛不欲生的悲傷,以別人的悲傷,就能夠治癒。

4. 人生如痴人說夢,充滿著喧譁與騷動,卻沒有任何意義。

5. 黑夜無論怎樣悠長,白晝總會到來。

6. 世間的很多事情都是這樣,當你刻意追求時,它就像一隻蝴蝶一樣振翅飛遠;當你摒去表面的凡塵雜念,為了社會和家庭盡職盡責時,卻驚喜地發現它就在你的身邊。

7. 當我們還買不起幸福的時候,我們絕不應該走得離櫥窗太近,盯著幸福出神。

8. 美滿的愛情,使鬥士緊繃的心情鬆弛下來。


1. People may set aside their dignity for a stranger, but they hold their son and grandson dearer than anything in the world.

2. Don't give up the purpose you originally intended because of one failure.

3. Nightmares儘管多么漫長,白晝總會到來。

4. Life is like a dreamer who talks in a din and excitement, but has no meaning.

5. No matter how long the night is, the day will always come.

6. Many things in this world are like this. When you try to pursue them deliberately, they fly away like a butterfly; however, when you摒棄 surface worldly thoughts and dedicate yourself to society and family, you will unexpectedly find that they are right beside you.

7. When we can't afford happiness, we should never go too close to the window and gaze at it dreamily.

8. A happy love can relax the mood of the warrior.