



1. A true friend walks in when no one else is around.真正的朋友在別人撤退時仍在身邊。

2. A friend is like a visitor when you're down.朋友就像在你失落時來訪的人。

3. A friend is someone to lean on when in need of support.朋友是在需要支持時可以依靠的人。

4. A friend is the one who holds the door for you, shares your joy and sorrow, and will tell you the truth even when you don't want to hear it.朋友是那些為你開門,分享你的喜悅和悲傷,並且會在你不想聽實話時會告訴你真相的人。

5. A friend is a loving companion at all times.始終是充滿愛心的好朋友。

6. A friend should be there for you in all good times and in bad.朋友應該在好的時候為你祝福,壞的時候為你分擔。

7. Friends are like stars; you may not see them, but you know they're there.朋友就像星星一樣,雖然你看不到他們,但你知道他們就在那裡。

8. Friends are like this, they may be gone for a while, but they never really leave your heart.朋友就是這樣,他們可能會離開一段時間,但他們永遠不會真正離開你的心。
