



* 舞蹈是無聲的詩。

Dance is the poetry of silence.

* 跳舞的人,跳出自己的世界。

Dancers, dance out of their own world.

* 跳舞的人,跳出自己的心聲。

Dancers, dance out their own voice.

* 跳動的旋律使人興奮,舞動的節奏令人愉悅。

Dancing to the beat excites people, and the rhythm of dance makes people happy.

* 跳起來,釋放生命的活力!

Jump up and release the vitality of life!

* 舞動青春,激情四溢。

Dance the youth, full of passion.

* 舞步輕盈,猶如春風拂面。

The dancing steps are light and graceful, just like spring breeze.

* 舞蹈是身體的藝術,是靈魂的詩篇。

Dance is the art of the body and the poem of the soul.