



* 馬拉松不相信偶然。——Marathon is a marathon。——(偶然不會發生)

* 即使路程再遠,也別停下腳步。——"Don't stop at any cost, even if the journey is endless."

* 如果你不能跑到終點,就一定要跑出自己來。——"If you can't run to the end, you must run yourself."

* 當你停下腳步時,不要忘記身後的世界。——"Don't forget the world behind you when you stop running."

* 無論何時都不要放棄,只要堅持到底。——"Never give up, as long as you persist until the end."

* 人生就像馬拉松,只有堅持到最後的人才能笑得最燦爛。——"Life is like a marathon, only those who persist to the end can smile the most brilliantly."

* 成功是耐力的較量,而不僅僅是一場速度的競賽。——"Success is a test of endurance, not just a competition of speed."

* 你的名字不會出現在獎牌上,但你在這場馬拉松中的堅韌和決心將會永存。——"Your name will not appear on the medal, but your perseverance and determination in this marathon will last forever."

* 在跑馬拉松時,你需要一種信仰和一顆平常心。——"When running a marathon, you need a belief and a calm mind."
