



"I became acutely conscious of having failed my parents."(我深深感到自己辜負了父母的期望。)

"I was vaguely conscious that I was being watched."(我隱隱約約地覺察到有人在監視我。)

"A patient who is not fully conscious should never be left alone."(神志並非完全清醒的病人必須時刻有人照料。)

"I made a conscious effort to get there on time."(我刻意約束自己準時到達那裡。)

"They have become increasingly health-conscious."(他們的健康意識越來越強。)

"Conscious sex consciousness can also be divided into conscious avoidance, appropriate grasp and conscious action."(性意識可以自覺地避免、適當把握和自覺地行動。)

"Service-conscious customers are in favor of Haidilao, a well-known Sichuan-based hotpot chain."(注重服務體驗的食客更青睞海底撈。)

"A used car is perhaps the best option for value-conscious buyers."(二手車可能是注重性價比的買家的最佳選擇。)

"The rise of social media has made young people more body-conscious, reluctant to display anything less than perfect abs."(社交媒體讓我們更加注意自己的身材,如果身材不好就不願意發照片。)

"We have to make a conscious effort."(我們得自覺努力。)