

the big bang theory台詞

以下是《生活大爆炸》中可能包含“the big bang theory”的台詞:

* "If the Big Bang Theory is right, we are all leaving something behind." (Season 3, Episode 9)

* "You don't seem like the kind of girl who likes to do anything that's beneath her, like watch Big Bang Theory and play video games." (Season 5, Episode 2)

* "Sheldon, it's me again. If the Big Bang Theory is to be believed, you will someday go to a much younger woman than you are now and have children with her." (Season 6, Episode 4)

這些台詞均來自電視劇《生活大爆炸》,台詞中是否包含“the big bang theory”可能取決於某一集的具體劇情。如果您有特定的一集需要幫助,請提供具體集數,以便我為您提供更準確的回答。