


極致的耳 聰是 聽得 見心 聲; 極致的目明是看得透心 靈。The ultimate ear is to hear the heart; The ultimate vision is to see through the mind。

人都是 這 樣,一旦有 馬桶就 會嫌蹲 著不舒服。People are like this, once there is a toilet will disrelish squatting uncomfortable。

緣分是本 書,翻得不 經意 會 錯 過, 讀得太 認真 會流 淚。Fate is this book, turn inadvertently will miss, read too seriously will shed tears。

生火 時,大家都 會 幫你;清理灰 燼 時,你 總是 獨自一人。When you make a fire, everyone will help you; You are always alone when cleaning up the ashes。

所 謂陌路,就是最初不相 識,最 終不相 認。The so-called stranger, is initially do not know each other, eventually do not recognize。

遺憾掘 棄 於以往的 廢墟,把希望播 種 於新生的土壤。Abandon regret to the ruins of the past and sow hope in the new soil。

少年向 來不 識天高地厚,放眼 處皆自 負才高八斗, 雖是自命 風流,倒也坦 誠 無 憂。The youth has never known heaven and earth, looking everywhere are conceited talent eight dou, although is pretentious, but also honest without worry。

尚在人 間,就不要鬼 話 連篇。 終有一天我 將 舉杯,敬一敬我的 衝撞,我的孤勇。我秉直的脾性,我的 淚不自禁。Don't talk nonsense while you are still living. One day I will raise my glass and honor my collision, my lonely courage. My straight temper, I can't help crying。