




1. 狼與羊 - 狼經常吃羊,它向羊請求說:“請不要吃我,我可以為你們做很多事情。”羊回答說:“我們不需要你的幫助,因為我們有能力自己生存。”最終,狼因為過度貪婪而被其他動物擊敗。

英文:The Wolf and the Lamb - The wolf often eats lambs. He begs for their mercy and says, "Don't eat me, I can do many things for you." The lambs reply, "We don't need your help because we can survive on our own." In the end, the wolf gets beaten by other animals due to his excessive greed.

2. 龜兔賽跑 - 兔子因為驕傲自大而輕視烏龜,於是它們決定進行比賽。兔子因為過於自信而睡著了,烏龜堅持不懈地前進,最終贏得了比賽。這個故事告訴我們,即使你有優勢也不要過於自信,因為堅持和毅力才是成功的關鍵。

英文:The Tortoise and the Rabbit - The rabbit is arrogant and disrespectful towards the tortoise, so they decide to have a race. The rabbit falls asleep because of overconfidence, and the tortoise persists in moving forward, eventually winning the race. This story teaches us that even if you have an advantage, don't be too confident, because perseverance and毅力 are the keys to success.

3. 金鳥 - 森林裡的金鳥十分罕見,有人發現並捕捉到它。為了獲得金鳥的歌聲和光亮,他把金鳥鎖進了一個金籠子裡。金鳥因為沒有自由而憂鬱不堪,最後金鳥死掉了。這個故事告訴我們,珍惜自然資源和保持自由的必要性。

英文:The Golden Bird - The golden bird in the forest is very rare. Someone finds and captures it. In order to obtain the song and brightness of the golden bird, they lock it in a golden cage. The golden bird becomes despondent without freedom and eventually dies. This story teaches us the importance of cherishing natural resources and maintaining freedom.