



1. I miss you so much, but I have to hide my heart to protect you.(我很想你,但是我必須隱藏我的心,來保護你。)

2. The world is so cruel, it makes me feel helpless.(世界是如此的殘酷,讓我感到無助。)

3. Sometimes, a single tear can fill an ocean, but a kiss can dry it all up again.(有時候,一滴淚可以填滿一個海洋,但是一個吻可以將其全部烘乾。)

4. Pain is temporary, but love is forever. (痛苦只是暫時的,但是愛是永恆的。)

5. Love hurts, but that's what makes it beautiful. (愛情會受傷,但這就是它的美麗之處。)

6. The memories we had are fading like a dream. (我們曾經的回憶正在像夢一樣漸漸消逝。)

7. Memories are like the stars, infinite and yet unreachable. (回憶就像星星,無限卻難以觸及。)

8. Time heals all wounds, but it also dulls the pain. (時間可以治癒一切傷痛,但也沖淡了痛苦。)

9. I miss you, but I have to let you go. (我想你,但是我必須讓你走。)

10. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. But when it's bitter, remember there's always sweetness ahead.(生活就像一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道你會得到什麼。但是當它苦的時候,記住前方總有甜蜜。)
