


凱里·歐文(Kyrie Irving)的名言有:

1. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do."(要做出偉大的工作,唯一的方式就是要熱愛自己所做的事。)

2. "Life's a journey, not a destination."(生活是一場旅程,而不是一個目的地。)

3. "The greatest thing you'll learn in life is that people come and go, but it's how you deal with the people that matter."(你在生活中會學到最重要的事情是:人們會來也會走,但重要的是你是如何對待那些到訪的人。)

4. "I'm not a robot, I'm a man on a mission."(我不是機器人,我是在執行任務的男人。)

5. "I'm a student of the game. I watch film, I learn from my mistakes."(我是這個遊戲的學生。我看錄像,我從我的錯誤中學習。)

6. "I'm here to do whatever it takes to win and to lead."(我來到這裡是為了盡一切可能贏得勝利和領導球隊。)

7. "I'm not the kind of person that's going to be perfect right away. I'm going to keep getting better."(我不是那種會立刻變得完美的人。我會繼續變得更好。)
