



1. 無論你在什麽時候遇見我,我都在努力的進步。 No matter when you meet me, I will be working hard to improve.

2. 我還是不行,那我就開始咬牙振作,打敗自我。 I still can't do it, then I will grit my teeth and pull myself together to defeat myself.

3. 我一直不曾走得太遠,因為我知道根本無需往前。 I have never gone too far because I know there is no need to go forward.

4. 即使路途艱辛,我也要走下去,因為我愛生活。 Even if the road is difficult, I will keep going because I love life.

5. 挫折只是一次跌倒,而我們要選擇的是爬起來,繼續向前。 Setbacks are just a fall, what we choose is to get up and keep moving forward.

6. 我要逆風翻盤,向陽而生,無論有多難,我都將勇往直前。 I will turn the tide against the wind and grow towards the sun, no matter how difficult it is, I will continue to move forward.
