



1. 你可以選擇做聖人也可以選擇做一個俗人,但你不能選擇安於命運的安排。 You can choose to be a saint or choose to be a vulgar person, but you cannot choose to be satisfied with the arrangement of fate.

2. 生活不會向你許諾什麼,尤其不會向你許諾成功。 but life won't promise you anything, especially success.

3. 我們必須在失敗中尋找勝利,在絕望中尋求希望。 We must look for victory in failure and seek hope in despair.

4. 人生就像一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道你會吃到什麼口味,每天都要吃點苦的東西,以免忘記苦味。 Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. You have to have some bitter things in your life, otherwise you'll forget what bitter tastes like.

5. 在每一個想你的日子裡,想你真的好好愛你。 Every day when I miss you, I really want to love you.

6. 要讓事情改變,先改變自己;要讓事情變得更好,先讓自己變得更強。 To change things, change yourself first. To make things better, make yourself stronger first.

7. 成功者絕不放棄,放棄者絕不會成功。 Success never gives up, and quitters will never succeed.

8. 成功並不是重要的事,重要的是努力。 Trying is what matters most when it comes to success.

9. 只有不斷找尋機會的人才會及時把握機會。 Only those who constantly look for opportunities will seize them when they arise.

10. 每一次努力都是你人生的一部分。 Every effort you make is a part of your life.