



1. “時間就是金錢,時間就是生命。” - Time is money, time is life.

2. “成功需要付出努力和耐心。” - Success requires effort and patience.

3. “知識就是力量。” - Knowledge is power.

4. “友誼是人生的寶貴財富。” - Friendship is a valuable asset in life.

5. “勇氣是面對挑戰和困難的關鍵。” - Courage is the key to facing challenges and difficulties.

6. “只有通過實踐才能獲得真知。” - Only through practice can one gain true knowledge.

7. “誠實是道德之本。” - Honesty is the foundation of morality.

8. “健康是一切幸福的基石。” - Health is the cornerstone of all happiness.

9. “愛情是人生的重要組成部分。” - Love is an essential part of life.

10. “教育是改變命運的關鍵。” - Education is the key to changing one's destiny.