



You are simple, the world is a fairy tale; Heart is complex, the world is a maze. 心簡單,世界就是童話;心複雜,世界就是迷宮。

Smile,it irritates those who wish to destroy you. 保持微笑,這會令那些痛恨你的人感到惱怒。

No matter how you feel,get up,dress up and show up.不管你的感覺如何,你都要起床,打扮好自己然後開始新的一天。

Love is like the sun,it has its own gravity. 愛就像太陽,它有著自己的引力。

The heart of a loved one is the best house. 對相愛的人來說,對方的心才是最好的房子。

Memory is in the palm to pour the water whether you spread out or hold still,drop by drop will slip through your fingers by living in flowed clean. 記憶像倒在掌心的水,不論你攤開還是緊握,終究還是會從指縫中一滴一滴流淌乾淨。

Always be the woman a man needs,not the woman who needs a man. 做一個男人需要的女人,而不是需要男人的女人。

Strength isn't about how much you can handle before you break,it's about how much you can handle after you break. 堅強不是在於你能在崩潰之前承受多少,而是在於你能在崩潰之後繼續承受多少。
