



* 忍耐是痛苦的,但結果會很甜蜜。 Patience is painful, but the result will be sweet.

* 忍耐是人生中的一種策略,需要深呼吸。 Patience is a strategy in life that requires deep breathing.

* 忍耐是一種痛苦,但它是走向成功的階梯。 Patience is a pain, but it is a ladder to success.

* 忍耐是一段漫長的旅程,需要毅力和決心。 Patience is a long journey that requires perseverance and determination.

* 忍耐就是無論你喜不喜歡,你都必須等待。 Patience is to wait regardless of whether you like it or not.

* 忍耐是一種力量,它能讓你在困難面前保持冷靜。 Patience is a kind of strength that can keep you calm in the face of difficulties.

* 忍耐是一種美麗,它讓你在困境中看到希望。 Patience is a beautiful thing that allows you to see hope in difficult times.