



Heart is mine, but full of you. 心是我自己的, 可裡面全是你。

I buried this person in my heart. 心裡有座城, 葬著未亡人。

In a city, the city lived in pain. 心中有座城, 城裡住著疼。

Thousand words as you in the side. 情話千篇, 不如你在身邊。

If you are tired don't forget me. 如果你累了, 別忘了還有我自己。

I will wait for you, but not too long. 我自己會等你, 但不會太久。

Some habits, however, was to change. 有些習慣, 無論如何都改不了。

Between us, please always remember me. 我們之間, 請永遠記住我自己。

I love you more than you'll ever know. 我自己比你想像中的更愛你。

I Want happiness, Be you give a care. 我自己要的幸福, 是你給予我自己的在乎。

Nothing's gonna change my love for you. 什麼都改變不了我自己對你的愛。

Time won't go back I won't turn back. 時光不會倒著走, 我自己也不會再回頭。

Without you I can also live well every day. 沒你我自己也可以過好每一天。

If this is not the end if I still love you. 如果這不是結局如果我自己還愛你。

The more you care, the more you have to lose. 在意的越多, 失去的就越多。

I love you more each day as time goes by. 隨著時間的流失我自己一天比一天更愛你。

I'll be there for you, Till the end of life. 我自己會在你需要時出現,直到生命的盡頭。