


感人故事英文:The Little Match Girl

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved to go out and look for matches to play with. One cold winter night, she was walking along the street with a box of matches in her hand when she saw a homeless person shivering in the cold. She gave him all her matches and said, "Take these matches, they will help you stay warm."

The little girl then continued walking, hoping to find more matches to give away. She passed by a homeless man who was sitting on a park bench, and she gave him all her remaining matches. She then realized that she had no matches left in her box.

As she walked home, she thought about how she had helped others that night. She realized that she had given away all her matches to help others, and she felt very happy and fulfilled. The next day, she woke up with a smile on her face, knowing that she had made a difference in someone's life that night.

This story is a beautiful example of the kindness and compassion that we can show to others, even in the smallest ways. It teaches us that helping others is not only rewarding, but also brings joy and fulfillment to ourselves.