



1. "Books are the travelers that take you to all the countries of the world without leaving your own." - Rachel Naomi Remen

2. "To be in touch with your feelings means to be in touch with the world." - Rainer Maria Rilke

3. "It is only when I am lost in my feelings that I am truly free." - Toni Morrison

4. "A moment of true feeling is worth more than days of empty talk." - Chinese Proverb

5. "Love is an action word, not a description of a feeling." - unknown

6. "To feel deeply is to be free, and to be free is to be a creator." - Elie Wiesel

7. "We cannot express what we do not feel." - Paulo Coelho

8. "A man is known by the quality of his emotions, not the quantity of his possessions." - Lao Tzu

9. "A life without feeling is like a garden without rain." - unknown

10. "The best moments in life are when you stop expecting and start feeling." - Paulo Coelho
