



The Little Engine That Could

Once upon a time, there was a little engine that was faced with a difficult task. It had to pull a heavy load up a steep mountain, and it felt very tired and discouraged. However, the little engine had a strong belief in itself, and always reminded itself of the saying, "I can do anything."

Every morning, the little engine would start its journey with hope and determination. It would push through the tough parts and keep going, even when it felt like giving up. Gradually, it started to realize its own strength and realized that it could indeed pull the heavy load up the mountain.

With each step forward, it gained confidence and started to believe in its own ability. It also gained the support and encouragement of the other engines on the journey, who saw its perseverance and courage. Together, they pushed the load up the mountain and achieved their goal.

In the end, the little engine learned that it didn't matter how small it was, as long as it had the right attitude and belief in itself, it could achieve anything. Through hard work, perseverance, and self-belief, it had shown that anything was possible.