



* 旅行是回歸生活本源的一種方式。 Traveling is a way to return to the original state of life. *

* 旅行是一種解脫,旅行是一種放空,旅行是一種解憂。 Traveling is a way to escape, a way to clear your mind, and a way to solve your worries. *

* 旅行就是去陌生的地方,看陌生的風景,聽陌生的音樂,然後在某個不經意的瞬間,你會發現,其實你的世界不過就是這么大。 Traveling is to go to unfamiliar places, see unfamiliar scenery, listen to unfamiliar music, and then, in an accidental moment, you will realize that your world is actually so big. *

* 生命就應該像夏花一樣絢爛,而旅行就是尋找那個最自己的方式。 Life should be as colorful as summer flowers, and traveling is the way to find the most authentic self. *

* 旅行不是為了追尋生命的刺激,也不僅僅是為了看風景,而是為了享受一種自由、純淨、無拘無束的狀態。 Traveling is not about seeking thrills in life, nor is it just about seeing scenery, but about enjoying a free, pure, and unrestrained state of mind. *

* 每一次的旅行都是為了尋找一個真實的自己,都是為了在這個熟悉而又陌生的世界中找到一個屬於自己的角落。 Every journey is to find a true self, to find a corner of one's own in this familiar and yet unfamiliar world. *

* 在旅途中遇見最好的自己。 Meeting the best version of myself on the road. *

* 世界的角落裡,總會有未知的美好等待我們去發現。 There are always unknown beauties waiting to be discovered in the corners of the world. *
