



1. 成功來自堅持,失敗源於放棄。Success comes from perseverance, and failure results from giving up.

2. 人生自古多磨難,要學霸王不畏死。Life is full of difficulties since ancient times. One must learn to be fearless like a king.

3. 志不強者智不達,言不信者行不果。Those who lack determination will not achieve great wisdom, and those who speak falsely will not accomplish their goals.

4. 忍耐是痛苦的,但它的結果是甜蜜的。Patience is painful, but its result is sweet.

5. 勤奮是探求知識的動力,是提高本領的前提。Diligence is the driving force for exploring knowledge and the prerequisite for improving skills.

6. 逆境出人才,逆境造英才。Adversity breeds talent, and it creates outstanding talents.

7. 失敗乃成功之母,反思是成功的關鍵。Failure is the mother of success, and reflection is the key to success.

8. 勇氣和毅力是成功的關鍵,也是克服困難的動力。Courage and perseverance are the keys to success and the driving force to overcome difficulties.
