



1. “凡人皆有一死”(All men must die.)

2. “唯有活下去才能看到改變”(Only by living can things change.)

3. “我們活在世上,就是要面對種種荒謬”(The world is full of nonsense.)

4. “權力就像快刀,握在手裡久了就會變得遲鈍”(Power is like sharp swords, they get blunt if you wield them for too long.)

5. “沒有人會記得死人,這就是生存的規則”(No one will remember the dead, it is the rule of survival.)

6. “你知道權力的真正含義嗎?權力就是……得到你想要的,然後繼續追尋”(Do you know the true meaning of power? Power is... Having what you want and then going after more.)

7. “謊言是權力的空氣,是權力的食物”(Lies are the air of power, the food of power.)

8. “你可以隨時選擇,但有些選擇一旦做出就無法回頭”(You can always choose, but some choices once made, cannot be undone.)
