



* 愛情沒有那么多藉口,如果最終沒能在一起,只能說明是一段錯誤的存在。 Love doesn't have so many藉口. If it didn't end up together in the end, it just means it was a wrong existence.

* 真愛就是兩個穿得起高級品牌的人,一起逛廉價超市的感覺。 Real love is when two people who can afford high-end brands go to a cheap supermarket together.

* 真愛就是兩個不完美的人,卻能完整地走到最後。 Real love is when two imperfect people can walk together perfectly.

* 真愛是一種從內心發出的關心和照顧,沒有華麗的言語,沒有譁眾取寵的行動,只有在點點滴滴一言一行中你能感受得到。 Real love is from the heart, showing care and consideration, without fancy words or actions that draw attention. You can feel it in the little things you do or say.

* 真愛不需要過多的語言來表達,因為愛情是心與心的碰撞,只有產生了心動的信號才能稱之為愛情。 Real love doesn't need too many words to express because it's a collision of hearts. Only when there's a signal of hearts beating can it be called love.

* 愛一個值得你付起責任與感情的對象,愛情就是一朵能開在責任光明溫暖里的花。 Love for someone who deserves your responsibility and affection, love is a flower that blooms in the light and warmth of responsibility.

* 愛是一生的相守,真愛的陪伴就更難能可貴。 Love is about lifelong companionship, and the companionship of true love is even more precious.
