



1. 筆墨之法不外乎一丘一壑,一丘一壑之明而造物在我矣。

The method of brush and ink is nothing more than a hill and valley, and if one knows how to depict a clear view of a hill and valley, then nature is already within reach.

2. 古人鬚眉畢張,活現人前,是何等筆墨!

How brave were the brushstrokes of the ancients, who could make their features appear vividly before the audience!

3. 筆墨當隨時代。

The brush and ink should follow the times.

4. 筆墨當自有千秋。

The brush and ink should have their own timelessness.

5. 古人作畫,意在筆先,筆到意到,如禪家之機鋒參透,天機自動。

The ancients created their paintings with intention in mind beforehand, and the brushstrokes followed the intention, just like the opportunity of a Zen master's words, which can be deeply understood and naturally expressed.

6. 古人作畫,行筆如飛,頃刻即成一幅好畫,其氣韻出於天成,有意而得者次之。

The ancients created beautiful paintings with their brushes flying across the paper in no time. The artistic conception and charm emerged naturally, and what was achieved through intentional effort was even better.

7. 畫者,從於心者也。

Painting is all about expressing one's own thoughts and feelings.