



1. A smile is the shortest distance between two people.

2. A smile is the beginning of all relationships.

3. A smile is the universal language of peace and understanding.

4. A smile is a gift that can brighten someone's day and bring joy to their heart.

5. A smile is the most powerful medicine in the world.

6. A smile can transform a sad day into a happy one, and bring happiness to others in the process.

7. A genuine smile is contagious and can spread joy and happiness to those around you.

8. Smiling can make you feel good about yourself, and it can also make others feel good about themselves.

9. A smile is a universal language that speaks without words, and it can bring people closer together without even saying a word.

10. Smiling is a choice, and it is a choice that we should make every day, no matter what happens around us.
