



1. Beauty is not in the eyes of the observer, but of the person observed. 美不在於旁觀者的眼睛,而在於被觀者的內心。

2. The greatest test of courage is when a man stands firm, facing danger in the face of challenge. 勇敢的最大考驗,是當一個人面臨危險和挑戰時,仍然能夠堅定不移。

3. Beauty is in the soul. 美麗在靈魂之中。

4. Beauty is in the moment. 美麗就在此刻。

5. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 美在觀者眼中。

6. Beauty is more than skin-deep. 美不只是表面的事情。

7. Beauty is truth, beauty is love, truth and beauty are always charming. 美即是真理,美即是愛,真理和美永遠具有迷人的魅力。

8. The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. 真正的探索之旅不在於尋找新的風景,而在於擁有新的眼光。
