



"I'm far from a hater. You got talent, I love you." (我根本不是一個會憎恨妒忌的人,你有才能,我就喜愛你。)

"No matter what, just do not give up. Always believe that your dream can come true & just keep working for what you want to achieve." (無論如何都不要放棄,總要相信你的夢想是可以實現,並且努力地為它奮鬥。)

"They can not break me. The only way to break me is to kill me, And everything that does not kill me makes me stronger." (他們不可能打倒我,除非殺了我,而任何不能殺了我的就只會令我更堅強!)

"I do not respect and fear anyone!" (我不用尊重和害怕任何人!)

"Who can stop me is me!" (只有我自己才能使自己停下來!)

"I always think I could miss 20 shots and believe that the 21st is going in, I just keep fighting." (我總是覺得我會投失前20投,並且相信那第21球一定會進!我只是不停奮鬥。)

"I've learned to play when I'm struggling, I think that's what being a professional and growing up is all about. You realize you're not going to play well every night. You keep fighting and something good will happen." (在奮鬥過程中,我學會了怎樣打球。我想那就是作為職業球員的全部。你明白了你不可能每晚都打得很好,但你不停的奮鬥會有好事到來的。)