



1. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. (生活就像一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道你會得到什麼。)

2. Life is like a journey, full of ups and downs, but the destination is worth the wait. (生命就像一段旅程,充滿了起伏,但目的地是值得等待的。)

3. Life is like a flame, it burns brightly at first, but it fades with time. But it's our memories that keep us going. (生命就像火焰,起初燃燒得非常明亮,但隨著時間的推移它會逐漸黯淡。然而,正是我們的回憶讓我們繼續前行。)

4. Life is like a beautiful painting, full of colors and details that need to be appreciated. (生命就像一幅美麗的畫作,充滿了色彩和細節需要去欣賞。)

5. Life is a gift, and it's our responsibility to make the most of it. (生命是一份禮物,是我們的責任充分利用它。)

6. Life is beautiful, but it's also challenging and full of ups and downs. Embrace it with open arms and keep moving forward. (生命是美好的,但它也充滿了挑戰和起伏。張開雙臂去擁抱它,繼續前進。)
