


故事標題:The Adventures of a Little Lost Puppy


Puppy: "Hello, I'm a little lost puppy. Can you help me find my way home?"

(Intermediate level)

Person: "Oh, a little puppy! Where do you think you are?"

Puppy: "I think I'm in a new place. I don't remember how to get home."

Person: "Well, let's see if we can help you find your way. Follow me, little puppy."

(Advanced level)

Dog: "Hey, little puppy! You lost? Come with me. I'll show you the way back home."

Puppy: "Thank you! You're a good dog. I'm so glad to have found you."

Dog: "No problem, little buddy. I'm here to help you."


Puppy: "I'm home! Thank you so much for helping me find my way. You are a great dog!"

Dog: "You're welcome, little puppy. Goodbye now." And they both go their separate ways, but with a newfound friendship and understanding.